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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

BSU Trip Synopsis

Hola folks,
We had another good trip to TJ last week. There were 19 total in the group, with 8 repeaters including Emily, Marvin and me. As usual, the BSU crowd were an excellent group, and although it was tough without Deb or Chuck along, we managed to accomplish quite a bit. We also got leads on several future projects. We had two good Spanish speakers, and that was a Godsend.
On Sunday we met with Fr. David Bustamente who showed us leaky areas on the Holy Rosary Chapel roof. We put 3-4 people on that project under the leadership of Scott Henscheid and they had it repaired in 1/1/2 days. That crew also constructed another small roof over the outside clothes washing area for the Missionaries of Charity at the Contemplative House.
Marvin and a crew of two tiled Olga's shower room throughout the week.
At Verdad y Vida, a large crew tiled the lower level of the nun's living quarters and put OSB down on the upper portion, so it can be tiled on the March trip. Jess Beumeler and Mandi Sargent were the straw bosses on that one.
Near the Seminary and a block from Olga's, we met Sandra Gonzales whose second story had recently burned. She needed a roof to keep the rain out. After Marvin secured the structure on Monday, a large crew spent the rest of the week installing a new roof for her. We did nothing to the second story walls which need complete repair, but at least she has a good roof now.
At St. Joe's we accomplished several small projects including installing a new washing machine for Sr. Monserrat. Carmenia had put $500 in Sr. Monserrat's account for the machine, so Marvin went with her to purchase the one she wanted and then put it in. We took the old machine out to Maria's house. A couple of the guys did a complete inventory of the storage shed which will be a great help in tracking tools and supplies in the future. The Van Ness sisters replaced all the broken or missing tiles in the girl's dorm. The repair tiles do not perfectly match the original, so we will probably need to re-do the whole room at some future time, but the repair job looks great for now.
We also replaced the wiring and a $40 bulb in Teresa Castro's outside patio.
Latham's two vans and Marvin's new truck were perfect for the trip. The weather cooperated all week--no rain in TJ or snow in Nevada.


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